Parks & Recreation
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of April 15, 2009
Committee Members: Lauren McMullen (LM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Prisco (MP), Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Lisa Dickey (LD), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF),
7:15pm Quorum, meeting called to order Rita Mullin (RM)
Audience of Citizens:
No Audience
Acceptance of Minutes for 4/01/09 and 4/6/09 meetings.
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting on April 1, 2009 with specified changes.
(MP) Mike Prisco seconds the motion
No Discussion was had.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting on April 6, 2009 as is.
(MP) Mike Prisco seconds the motion
No Discussion was had.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business
Finances (MS)
Wine & Food social- See wine & Food below.
Wheeler project finances- Maureen summarized the up to date budget for the wheeler project and what is expected to be forecasted for future expenses on the project for its phase 1 completion.
FY09 Budgets
(MS) Maureen summarized the FY09 budget for the committee regarding the revolving account on hand.
Maureen also summarized the monies for KidSpot which is a $50k under the capital operating budget.
Turf Field Grants (RM)
(LM) Lauren received information from Brad Jones Jr. on grants for turf field.
(RM) Rita asked the committee if anyone wants to help research grants for turf field project.
Chamber of Commerce Dinner for Pat Lee (MS)
There will be outstanding Citizens of the Year dinner for Pat Lee help by the Chamber of Commerce on April 29th at the Hillview Country Club. The committee is asking who would like to attend.
Attorney General Meeting (RM)
(RM) Rita Spoke with the Attorney Generals office about coming into P&R and holding an informative seminar for all 501 c organizations and go over what the guidelines should be. They would set up in the Town Hall Gym. Maureen asked if someone would send out the information to all 501 c organizations in North Reading to see who would like to attend. Attorney General is asking what a good date would be.
Old Business
NRYLL letter (MT & MS)
Maureen submitted copies of documentation received by NRYLL to P&R and a response letter from P&R to NRYLL regarding the non-payment of user fees. NRYLL has refused to pay the user fees due to the loss of the registration fee they experienced through CMI and NRYLL said they do not want to ask the parents for the monies again and NRYLL claim they do not have the funds to pay P&R.
Much discussion was had by the committee members and staff regarding the status of this situation and as a whole staff and committee members feel that NRYLL is responsible for paying the user fees. P&R is more than willing to work with NRYLL regarding making payments for the $14,315 owed to P&R. P&R will be asking NRYLL for a meeting with their President, Vice-president, treasurer and secretary to discuss this matter and go over the correspondence received from NRYLL.
(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to send NRYLL a letter from P&R thanking them, however due to non-payment of the user fees P&R will be revoking their permit for use of the fields and we will be looking to permit the field to another organization.
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion
Motion opens for discussion.
• Many committee members do not want to support a motion as such because the children are already into the baseball season and would not want to take it out on the kids.
• Theses families with these children are already customers of P&R and other sports leagues and supporting this motion would hurt other P&R programs.
• If NRYLL knew about the issue with CMI last fall then why did NRYLL continue to move forward on the building project of the bathroom at the field this spring knowing that they would not have the income from the registration fees? Why would they continue on a capital project and knowingly chose not to pay there responsibility for the permit to P&R.
• Committee members feel that NRYLL should ask to come in for a meeting with P&R to find a solution and brainstorm rather just refusing to not pay for the user fees.
• Committee members and staff feel as a whole that the NRYLL President, Vice President, treasurer and secretary should be brought into P&R to meet with the operations manager for financial background, the Parks Director for guidelines and the League liaison for support and background. The President of NRYLL should be mandatory required to attend the meeting.
• P&R Committee is upset at the actions of NRYLL and their behavior of how the situation is being handled by NRYLL. P&R feel that they have been treated with disrespect.
Discussion closed.
Approved: 1 Opposed: 4 Abstained: 0
Motion Failed to pass.
More discussion continued by committee and staff.
Committee has agreed that they would like to see the following occur with NRYLL:
• NRYLL President (mandatory), VP, treasurer and secretary need to meet with P&R minutes should be taken at the meeting.
• P&R will ask NRYLL for full disclosure of NRYLL finances.
• NRYLL is responsibly for paying user fees owed in full!
• P&R is willing to set up a payment plan with NRYLL for the $14,315 owed on a specific payment schedule over a specified amount of time while being specific that NRYLL is to stay up to date on time with all current and future fees and payments.
• If NRYLL is refusing to make payment then P&R will let them know that our next step is to take the issue to Town legal counsel.
• Committee wants to draft a letter to NRYLL on the issues at hand.
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion authorizing Maureen Stevens, Operations Manager, to inform the members of NRYLL at the joint meeting that if they refuse to pay the owed user fees than the next step is to take the issue to town legal counsel.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion
Discussion was had:
• Committee agrees that NRYLL should pay in full but P&R are willing to work with them on payment plan.
• If NRYLL doesn’t want to make the payment P&R can offer to forgo the fees as long as league is turned over to P&R to be run.
• P&R would like to know what kind of time frame NRYLL would need to pay off fees.
• Issue should be brought to town counsel to know P&R legal rights.
• Should ask NRYLL for bank stmts, documents on cd’s or saving acct. If they can not make payment then they should have to prove.
Discussion ended.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
Committee does not want to discuss offering NRYLL any help with the bathroom building project for supplies or monies until the issue is cleared up regarding the payment of the user fees. Once the issue of the user fees is settled the NRYLL should present their request again to P&R.
Wine & Food Summary (MS)
Maureen summarized the wine & food social final financial numbers for the committee. The event raised about $13,500.00 which will go to LUC for the IRP Bathroom project.
Other Business
Wheeler House project (MT)
Marty informed the committee that the fire inspection has been completed. Lynne let the committee know that some kids needing community service will be at the wheeler house to help clean up next week.
Painting of the gazebo
(LM) Lauren mentions that the gazebo down at IRP needs to be repainted.
(BL) Billie suggested that we look into running a CPR/Safety Certification class.
(MP) a motion was made by Mike Prisco for the Committee to adjourn the meeting at 9:20pm.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
Accepted: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed.